Hey there everyone! Good morning! And hello! Oops, I guess some of you are having a good night?
Hey everyone! Thank you for coming to this site out of all the different information out there!
I wonder if a little more about me would help people have a little more fun?
So, I’m going to write about me, even if it’s a little embarrassing~!
You’re interested in me, even a little bit. If you are at least a little bit interested in me Please read to the end!
Click on the “Japanese” button above to view Mr. Mooos’ profile in his native language.
The content is the same, but the nuances are better conveyed in the native language.
If you understand Japanese, please take a look at the Japanese version.(^^♪

I am a pure Japanese, born and raised in Japan.
I’m not very good at English, so DeepL Translate is my buddy~!
I am a gentleman in his 40s and lives with his wife and daughter.
I’m a regular office worker at work, man!
I started as an artist in July of this year (2023) when I started my Instagram.
When I started Instagram, I realized that it’s a lot of fun to send out information, have people watch it, and get responses from everyone!
I should have started sooner!

I have always had the desire to express my personality and image.
I also like to design.
This site is also self-designed.
There was a time when I was in the kitchen design business!
I prefer primary colors in the clothes I choose.
I’m often told I’m flashy, but I don’t care.
I like to wear what I like to wear.
I’m sure they think I’m a strange guy.
Well, that’s a compliment to me!

My take on art.
Here is how I feel about art.
It’s a little embarrassing for me to be writing this, as I’ve only just started my career as an artist…
I’ll write it down as my current thinking!
I may sound rude to the seniors, but I ask that you read this with a kind heart.

What is contemporary art?
This is a story that impressed me tremendously.
When I went to the art gallery.
That art gallery had art photos arranged in an irregular arrangement.
I asked the gallery owner about this art photo.
“Is there a story to this piece?”
Then the person, after a bit of thought, went on to say, “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to do that.
“There is no story in this work yet. This work is contemporary art. Contemporary art is something that expresses the present moment, something that will happen in the future. Therefore, it is something that I am not supposed to know at the moment. It is something I have never experienced and something I will experience in the future. The story of contemporary art is created by the viewer. So there is no story in this work yet.”
Classics are works of the past, so knowing what background they were painted in at the time will help us understand what they represent.
For example, the background of Van Gogh’s sunflowers is yellow because Van Gogh, influenced by Impressionism, painted sunflowers decorating the yellow house where he and Gauguin lived together.
Picasso pursued cubism, which is a form of multifaceted expression on a flat surface, and so his work is oriented in the opposite direction from the direction his face is facing.
And this deepens the understanding of the work and creates value for the viewer of the work.
So what is the value of contemporary art?
The person pointed to the art photos on display and said,
“Printed photographs have no value. The value is in what the viewer discovers in the work that he or she has never seen before. That discovery is so significant to the viewer that he or she pays for the work in return.”
That’s what he answered.

This has become my current value system for art.
・I am not just saying, “Wow, it’s beautiful,” but I am wondering if there is something to gain for me.
・What can you discover by viewing the work? (If looking at the work creates a way of thinking that you’ve never thought about before, that could be called a discovery…)
・Even if you did not feel anything of value at the time you encountered the work, if you gained something from it afterwards, it means that the work had value.

Thanks for reading!
As of this writing, my thoughts are as above.
I’m probably wrong about some things, and I think there’s a lot I’m about to find out.
But I would like to transmit and express what I think and feel without fear or reservation.
To all senior art professionals!
To all of you who know a lot about art!
I may sound like a big jerk, but I would appreciate it if you could watch my activities with warm eyes!
The influence of people is tremendous.
Encounters really make me discover a new me. They lead me to happiness.
I’m going to continue to meet all kinds of people and touch all kinds of things, and I’m going to be happier than I am now.
I want to express in various ways what I feel and what I have discovered in my happiness!
I’m over 40 years old, but I’m going to do what I can to express myself before I die!
That may not be limited to painting. I’d like to do a lot of things I can do~.

Check out the contents of my work at the “Mr.Paas Club” account below~!
Everything is coming through this Insta-account.
I don’t publish information anywhere else, so if you want to see more of my work, please follow me~!
Best regards.